Catering Team Manager
Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG Crowne Plaza)

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Boonta M

0.00.00 My name is Boonta M and my title is Catering Team Manager for Crown Plaza Hotel at Manchester Airport. I respond for two areas, it’s a restaurant, Sampans restaurant and a club, Club Laos, where make sure that both areas is running smoothly. I enjoy working with public and ensure that the guests have more enjoyable during their stay and nice to see them come back.

0.00.30 Yeah, repeat customer, that what I want. My mother’s sent me to uni for to be a teacher. So I was teaching for a while but I find that I didn’t like teaching. So is accidentally I went to see my cousin who work in the hotel and I like it. She wasn’t very happy but at the end of it I proved that I can do it. Yeah. I can make my own decision now and I do it what I like to do.

0.01.00 After my graduation from university, I start work in hotel in Thailand. So I start from restaurant host aid and then be receptionist, get relations and sell in marketing. 1993 I move to UK and again I continue working in hotel industry.

0.01.30 When I move into UK and then, you know, suddenly you work in the hotel and you never thought that you’re going to adopt, they’re from different culture, different weather, different environments and then, you know, and suddenly you in here working with different cultured people, different guests, it’s adopting is most important you know. When I’m not at work I just go put my hair down, go out drinking, what I did when I was 18.

0.02.00 I don’t mean I’m alcoholic but you know, go out, you know, enjoy myself, you know. Don’t have to overboard really and spend a lot of money, and out with friends and make up the time what I spend at work you know. This restaurant, Sampans restaurant is my highlight of my career. In the year 2000 we opened this restaurant. I take it on from the scratch.

0.02.30 From the very beginning. I unpack all the chair and table, put them together. I do the menu. I put the team together, yes, and then we are successful. This is, how many years, eight year on the line, yeah, I’m still here and people just talking about it. And we got more repeat customer coming in. It great. No regret. Yeah.

0.03.00 I’m happy with where I am and who I am. I’m believing what I’m doing. I don’t want to go any more higher than this, you know, cos I got my own plan. In next five year I will get out of this industry and will do my own, my thing where I never done before, you know, I will go to, back to Thailand and have my own school and try to get people in teaching, learning in English, little young children.

0.03.30 So give them a learning skill and give them a head start, you know, in studying in English. And myself just go to let my hair down by the seaside somewhere.


Boonta M is a Catering Team Leader for a restaurant and club at the Crowne Plaza Hotel at Manchester Airport. She started working in the hotel industry in her home country of Thailand. Setting up and running the Sampans restaurant at the hotel has been the highlight of her career so far. But in the future she plans to go back to Thailand to set up an English school.

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