Brand Engagement Manager
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 | Christina A
Brand Engagement Manager |
00.03 | My name is Christina A and my job title is Brand Engagement Manager and I work for Blackberry. So most recently I started working with Jessie J we are using her as a brand ambassador. We’ve also used Tiny Tempah, I’m sure a lot of people will have seen a lot of the work that we did with him. And Blackberry’s something that enables them to do their jobs and has enabled them to carry on doing what they are doing when they have to travel to the other side of the world or whether they are in London. It enables them to stay in touch with their management. |
00.32 | As a student I was probably hardworking. Probably not as hardworking as I could have been but I did work hard, especially in the subjects that I loved like art, and textiles and theatre studies. I did English, I did all the standard ones like English, Maths, Art and Sciences, I also did a B-Tec in Theatre Studies and I did Business Studies as well. Quite outgoing which I still am, so I think in the industry I’m working in now, working with music acts you have to be quite outgoing, quite confident. So I was definitely like that at school, I’m sure a lot of my friends would say that. |
01.09 | So I wanted to do fashion and I wanted to stay on to do A-Levels and I became quite ill when I was sort of 15, 16 and had to take time out of school so I fell behind in my studies. So once I had got better I was too far behind and didn’t really want to go back a year when I went back into school, so I just decided to go straight to work instead. Obviously it’s disappointing but I’ve never been the sort of person that looks back and regrets things, I’ve always, I think it’s been my upbringing with my family’s always been you know you pick yourself up and you get on and do things. And it hasn’t done me any harm not going to university, it might have taken me a bit, I might have got here a bit quicker, might have taken me a bit longer. But I don’t regret it. Certainly not, no. |
01.52 | One of the first jobs I had, I was working for a publishing company and I was doing a production role, so working on the advertising side and I did it for about a year with a couple publishing companies and wasn’t really sure that it was what I wanted to do even thought it was fulfilling the creative part that I like to do, it really wasn’t fulfilling enough for me, it wasn’t really what I wanted to be getting into, so that’s when I really started to doubt whether that was the right thing for me to do. Then luckily I got the job as a marketing assistant and met my great manager who then championed me to go on and do better things. She was a female boss in telecoms which at the time, when I first started working in telecoms there weren’t that many female bosses in the industry, and even today it’s still quite male dominated. She was great, she encouraged me to really try new things and to try out all the campaigns and projects that I worked on and really made me believe in myself and believe that I could go out there and achieve what I wanted to. |
02.52 | I wouldn’t say there’s one thing I’m most proud of, I think there’s lots of things that I’m proud of with the work that I do, for instance with the playbook campaign, I’ve just done, you know Jessie J being plastered over the Imax with the playbook activity that we’ve done, it’s great sense of accomplishment when you see that campaign come to life after you’ve worked on it so long. Or even things like a secret gig, and I get to see competition winners enjoying themselves, watching live performances by some of the artists that we’ve put on for them. And getting to see those people really enjoy that and getting them up close and personal with the artists that we work with as well. |
03.24 | In 5 years time I’d still like to be working within music, I’d possibly like to look at mentoring younger people and showing them you can work in music, you don’t necessarily have to be a Tinie Tempah to work in the music industry. There are other ways, for instance what I do or lots of other roles that support those guys to get to where they are. |
Christina A is Brand Engagement Manager for BlackBerry. After leaving school earlier than expected due to illness, Christina decided to go straight into work. Through determination and a key relationship with a manager, she developed a career in marketing, trained on the job and recently began her dream role, leading on BlackBerry’s relationship with music artists, including working with Jessie J to launch the new Playbook.