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Marketing Executive
Maths Doctor

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So my name’s Hannah. I work for Maths Doctor, which is a start-up company within digital education here at Macmillan and I am a marketing executive.


So I work mostly in offline marketing and then we have two other people who do more online marketing and website optimisation. So mostly what I do is PR type projects and things like print campaigns, we’ve also recently done a radio campaign. That’s about the majority of the work that I do, but also there’s a lot of data analysis involved in tracking marketing campaigns as well.


I think the radio campaign that we just did was really exciting, it was a really great thing to do and I’d never done something like that before, so it was completely new to me and I kind of saw it from the start through to the finish. It was a six week radio campaign. It was just really fun to get involved with that and to see all the kind of process that was involved. So starting out with getting the creative made, then actually going and getting the voices to, you know, make sure the ad sounds great and then just tracking the campaign as well, seeing how successful it was and things like that. yeah it was just a good, great experience, good learning curve as well.


I went to the University of Warwick. I think, cos I’m London-based, I’ve lived here all my life, I just wanted to get out of London for a few years, experience something a bit new. So that’s why I went for Warwick and cos it was a campus uni, I thought that would be quite interesting, just to try, you know, not living in a city and living on campus and see what that was like. So yeah, no I really enjoyed it at Warwick.


Cos I studied German and business studies, so I had an Erasmus year as part of my studies, so that was just amazing, like the best. I know everyone says it but, you know, it really was the best year of my life. It was a great experience.


I wasn’t allowed to go and teach abroad, that’s what a lot of people do, go and teach English abroad, but because I had the business aspect of my degree I had to go to a university or work and I decided to do a six month split, so I first went to the University of Göttingen which is like in the middle of Germany, it’s quite a small university town. Studied there for six months, did quite a few language courses but also some business courses to kind of supplement my studies back at home.


And then I decided to get a job out there as well, so like a six month internship and then I moved to Berlin and did my internship there for six months, which was just brilliant, so good and I worked for an educational film production company in Berlin. It was a very small company but it was just a great experience to kind of get the experience and just try something new and in a foreign country.


I’ve recently started running half marathons, as you do. I actually started in Germany. One of my friends was running a half marathon and she said, oh you should totally get involved, so I thought OK, give it a go and it’s kind of quite addictive. I’ve started, I’ve done two now and we’re doing a run with work as well. It’s called the wolf run, so there’s a team of us doing that in April. But apart from that I’m also a ballet dancer, so I’ve been doing ballet since I was about five probably now, so quite a few years, but it’s just something that I enjoy doing in my spare time. I find it quite relaxing. Even though it’s quite strenuous, it’s just a nice thing to do.


I would say you have to do something you’re interested in. Don’t kind of settle for a job that you’re just doing to get money. Really try and find a job that you actually enjoy doing, cos it makes things so much easier, if you enjoy what you do every day. And just to get as much experience as you can really, in the fields that you’re interested in working in, cos it’s so valuable to have that experience and I think as well, if anyone’s considering going abroad for a period time and gaining experience in another country, that is just so beneficial. You learn so much about yourself, living in a foreign country and I couldn’t recommend that enough.


End of Hannah M


Hannah’s main passion is German, which she began at school but then she took this forward to a combined German and Business Studies degree. She originally thought about being a translator but felt it wasn’t quite right for her. She then investigated careers in Marketing, which is where she is working now, and is pleased that she’s made the right decision.

More information about Project support officers

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The UK average salary is £29,813

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There are 37.5 hours in the average working week

35%  male 
65%  female 

The UK workforce is 47% female and 53% male

Future employment

Future employment?

? Project support officers assist in the organisation, planning, monitoring and direction of a project and ensure it is adequately resourced and on schedule.
There are no formal academic entry requirements, although entrants typically possess GCSEs/S grades, A levels/H grades, a BTEC/SQA award or equivalent qualifications. On-the-job training is usually provided, and professional qualifications are available.
  • Analyses project components, organises them into a logical sequence and establishes the minimum time required for the project
  • Creates and maintains a project timetable, helps ensure the project proceeds on schedule and manages relevant administrative elements of the project
  • Advises on project procedures and assists the project team in decision making
  • Liaises with and ensures effective communication between the project team, other departments, the project manager, the client and/or senior management
  • Monitors the progress of the project and provides updates to project team, clients and other stakeholders
Employment by region
Top 10 industries for this job
Computer programming, etc 6296
Public admin. & defence 4835
Legal & accounting 4191
Financial services 2609
Wholesale trade 2335
Real estate 1772
Architectural & related 1510
Retail trade 1403
Residential care 1402
Head offices, etc 1372
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