How to start thinking about your career
How to start thinking about your career
It’s easy to put off thinking about your future, but small steps now can make a positive difference to your options and pathways. Take a look at these simple ideas to get you started.
1. Tune in
Starting to think about careers can be as easy as noticing what jobs people do and the possibilities out there. Next time you watch a TV show or the news, make a list of all the jobs you see. What jobs do you hear people talking about on the train or on the bus? What businesses do you pass on the way to school? Or can you consider some of the jobs that make whatever you’re doing possible (so if you go swimming for example, as well as all the people who work at the leisure centre, there will be people who designed, built and look after the building such as architects, planners, plumbers, heating engineers and so on).
2. Reflect
Think about what you’re good at and what you enjoy, especially outside of school. What have you enjoyed most over the past year? How could that relate to the world of work? Next think about which jobs – or aspects of jobs – appeal to you and why.
See Creating a Me Map for more ideas on how to use your findings to explore career options.
3. Get involved
One of the best ways to find out what you like is to try different things. These don’t need to be career-related – join a club, get involved in activities at school or in your community, or just learn how to do something new, such as fixing your bike or cooking a meal. Take advantage of opportunities to meet new people and gain new perspectives and experiences – one thing often leads to another.
4. Look ahead
Are there any major milestones coming up, such as GCSE choices, college applications or other deadlines? If there’s nothing fixed, think about your next move in general terms. What would you like to be doing – or have tried – a year from now? What can you do over the next few months to prepare or help you get there?
5. Make time
Now think about how you can turn some of your thoughts into actions. Can you explore one thing you’d like to do? Is anything holding you back? What can you do about it? Who can help you? Is there anything you want to find out more about?
Set yourself a goal and put some time aside to make it happen. Write down three things – however small – you can do over the next three weeks (or three months) to start exploring your career. Set yourself a reminder or pair up with a friend and report back.
Jermaine, carpenter
“I didn’t find it very easy to know exactly what I wanted to be until I tried a few other things.”
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