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Airline Pilot (and Specialist Biomedical Scientist)

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00:00:07:03 – 00:00:10:15
Hi, my name’s John, and I’m here to talk to you about careers in aviation.

00:00:11:07 – 00:00:14:12
I’m an airline pilot and I work for one of the largest airlines in the UK.

00:00:15:03 – 00:00:17:12
We fly holiday routes, regional routes all around Europe, going

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as far as places such as Turkey, Cyprus, Black Sea

00:00:21:20 – 00:00:26:06
and occasionally over to the United States all the way down to places like the Canaries

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and occasionally to Africa.

00:00:28:19 – 00:00:32:05
So my education has been long and varied.

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I would describe it.

00:00:33:17 – 00:00:36:05
And that’s not actually required for an airline job.

00:00:36:12 – 00:00:39:15
The A-levels I did were geography, chemistry, biology,

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and general studies and then went off to university.

00:00:43:03 – 00:00:47:04
My initial plan was to join the Royal Air Force, and I did zoology

00:00:47:04 – 00:00:49:20
with veterinary medicine because I needed to have a subject that

00:00:50:06 – 00:00:52:22
that wasn’t aviation just in case it didn’t all work out.

00:00:53:12 – 00:00:54:20
The Royal Air Force didn’t work out.

00:00:54:20 – 00:00:58:14
I became a school teacher briefly and then after two years, a very difficult job.

00:00:58:15 – 00:01:02:02
I changed direction, went back to university and

00:01:02:08 – 00:01:04:14
and into laboratory medicine, where I did

00:01:05:03 – 00:01:08:22
a master’s and a doctorate – ended up in the hospital,

00:01:08:22 – 00:01:12:06
being an examiner and assessor and quite senior.

00:01:13:08 – 00:01:14:11
I’ve never really given that up.

00:01:14:11 – 00:01:16:15
I still do a little bit – pull the odd shift

00:01:16:15 – 00:01:20:04
and help the hospital out, which works very well for both of us.

00:01:20:04 – 00:01:24:14
I keep my registration, keep my skills up, and they get a very experienced examiner

00:01:24:14 – 00:01:27:16
turning up to handle difficult situations.

00:01:28:14 – 00:01:31:08
Meanwhile, while I was doing that, I was learning to fly

00:01:31:10 – 00:01:34:00
and I did that all along right from the very start.

00:01:34:05 – 00:01:38:14
And I worked part time as a flying instructor for a good number of years

00:01:39:08 – 00:01:41:22
and then eventually got to a point where I could take an airline job.

00:01:42:03 – 00:01:43:07
And so that’s exactly what I did.

00:01:43:07 – 00:01:46:19
I simply switched the careers round – did the airlines full time,

00:01:47:18 – 00:01:50:23
did the hospital part time and and I’ve never looked back there,

00:01:50:23 – 00:01:56:02
and I like having that varied life of both the airline job and the hospital job. It keeps me grounded.

00:01:57:05 – 00:01:59:06
So what are the good bits and the bad bits of the job?

00:01:59:06 – 00:02:02:12
Well, my favourite bits are the travel,

00:02:03:00 – 00:02:05:03
quite frankly, to sit and look out the window.

00:02:05:04 – 00:02:08:20
I love the views as we travel all around Europe and fly over mountains

00:02:08:20 – 00:02:14:12
and volcanoes and cities and and all sorts of other bits of scenery.

00:02:14:12 – 00:02:17:09
And it’s fantastic and surprising how quickly you get used to

00:02:17:20 – 00:02:21:12
what you’re looking at – just like on any car journey if you do it often enough you start

00:02:21:12 – 00:02:24:07
to recognize all the features and know your way around.

00:02:25:07 – 00:02:28:11
The ability to adapt to change – it’s not unusual to turn up

00:02:28:11 – 00:02:31:17
to work in the morning and then be told that you’re going somewhere else.

00:02:31:17 – 00:02:36:16
If you like the kind of job where you do the same thing every single day,

00:02:37:09 – 00:02:39:03
flying is probably not the job for you.

00:02:39:03 – 00:02:42:18
You have to be able to just switch up a gear

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where required and move on and put things behind you.

00:02:47:19 – 00:02:49:06
I guess my main advice really

00:02:49:06 – 00:02:53:09
would be to be yourself and to know yourself.

00:02:53:14 – 00:02:54:04
I think it’s really,

00:02:54:04 – 00:02:57:13
really important to be the kind of person who looks critically at yourself

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and tries to improve,

00:02:59:05 – 00:03:00:03
and that will come out really,

00:03:00:03 – 00:03:02:18
really strongly in any interview when when you turn up

00:03:02:19 – 00:03:03:20
and you can demonstrate

00:03:03:20 – 00:03:07:20
how you’ve been able to do that and turn negatives into positives.

00:03:07:21 – 00:03:10:13
You don’t have to necessarily be the cleverest person in the room.

00:03:10:21 – 00:03:14:19
You just have to be the person who works the hardest and applies yourself the best.


John has parallel careers – working both as an airline pilot and as a specialist biomedical scientist – and has followed an unusual path. After a degree in zoology, his dream of joining the RAF didn’t work out. He became a teacher, before returning to university to study laboratory medicine, and then worked in hospitals.

In his spare time, he learnt to fly and became a part-time flying instructor before making the switch – he now works as a full-time pilot but keeps up his hospital work on a part-time basis.

More information about Aircraft pilots and flight engineers

average salary

The UK average salary is £29,813

average weekly hours

There are 37.5 hours in the average working week

90%  male 
10%  female 

The UK workforce is 47% female and 53% male

Future employment

Future employment?

? Aircraft flight deck officers check, regulate, adjust and test engines and other equipment prior to take-off, navigate and pilot aircraft and give flying lessons.
Entrants with GCSEs/S grades and A levels/H grades, an Advanced GNVQ/GSVQ Level III or a BTEC/ SQA award can apply for an airline sponsorship. Private residential training is available to candidates with GCSEs/S grades or appropriate BTEC/SQA or GNVQ/GSVQ awards or to holders of Private Pilots Licences who have 700 hours flying experience. Normal colour vision is required and candidates undergo a medical examination. Training lasts up to 15 months and consists of courses of study and flying instruction. Airlines may have additional age and height requirements.
  • Studies flight plan, discusses it with flight deck crew and makes any necessary adjustments;
  • Directs or undertakes routine checks on engines, instruments, control panels, cargo distribution and fuel supplies;
  • Directs or undertakes the operation of controls to fly aeroplanes and helicopters, complying with air traffic control and aircraft operating procedures;
  • Monitors fuel consumption, air pressure, engine performance and other indicators during flight and advises pilot of any factors that affect the navigation or performance of the aircraft;
  • Maintains radio contact and discusses weather conditions with air traffic controllers;
  • Performs specified tests to determine aircraft’s stability, response to controls and overall performance;
  • Accompanies pupil on training flights and demonstrates flying techniques.
Employment by region
Top 10 industries for this job
Air transport 11080
Warehousing, etc 7984
Public admin. & defence 2451
Education 1400
Employment status

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