International Operations Manager
Arcadia Group

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Olivia H

0.03 My name is Olivia H and I am the International Operations Manager for Arcadia Group in the UK. One of the things that I have to do a lot in my job is to look at new stores that we have in markets with franchise partners, so we might have a partner in Spain and they want to open a Top Shop store, so we will look at that and help them layout how the store should look, and send them all of the fixtures, fittings, products and materials so they can open that store.

0.38 When I was at school I didn’t know what I wanted to do, and I arrived in the UK from New Zealand when I was sixteen. I was told I needed to line up my A level subjects to match my university degree, which would lead me into my final job, so I didn’t really have a clue what I wanted to do. I did A levels, and then I went to a restaurant and I worked for a year as a chef and managed the restaurant. And then I decided to do some nannying for a while, and then I decided I needed to do a business studies course, which was quite general, that would give me the opportunity to learn skills to run my own business or work for other businesses. My family were very influential. If I’m honest, what I wanted to do was be a jockey. That didn’t really wash with my parents, so they decided that business studies was far more sensible and they enrolled me in a course in London. There was a lot of tension between my parents and myself, and they talked me into doing the business studies course using a line ‘you either do the course or you go out into the world and you support yourself and make your own decisions.’

2.00 The most major event in my life was when my brother died ten years ago, and I think when you lose someone from your family or very close to you, you quickly have to reassess what your life is all about. And you hear people say ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff,’ and all of a sudden that becomes very easy to understand that a lot of the little things that can crowd your life are suddenly really not that important in the grand scheme of things.

2.32 Well, I’ve done a lot of different things since I finished my degree, and I think because I’ve been very open to change it’s meant I’ve had a lot of opportunities. Some of the roles I have done have been a purchasing officer, I’ve also worked in sales, selling commercial furniture, I’ve managed a gift basket business with a balloon shop that came with it, I also have managed tile shops for floor and wall tiling, voice radio adverts, done some television work, also went to America and worked for an American company as a visual merchandising manager, and then I ended up at Arcadia doing international operations.

3.18 One of the things I’ve achieved that I’m really proud of is the job that I had in America, where I had to create a new department of visual merchandising people. And what that meant was I was the person who led the direction of window merchandising, and I got involved in having to decide how to photograph the product, and work with marketing departments and creative departments to collectively come up with how we felt our store windows should look.

3.46 My ambitions for the future are to really have more of a balance between work and personal time, and I’ve been working really hard on making sure that I don’t take work home with me. I want to continue to work in an international environment because that’s where I have a lot of experience, and continue to work with fun people in a fashion environment.


Olivia H is the International Operations Manager for Arcadia Group in the UK. She’s had a lot of different jobs in the retail sector since graduating. She’s particularly proud of the work she did in America, working with creative and marketing people to decide how the store windows should look.

More information about Sales related occupations n.e.c.

average salary

The UK average salary is £29,813

average weekly hours

There are 37.5 hours in the average working week

46%  male 
54%  female 

The UK workforce is 47% female and 53% male

Future employment

Future employment?

? Job holders in this unit group perform a variety of sales occupations not elsewhere classified in MINOR GROUP 712: Sales Related Occupations.
There are no formal academic entry requirements. Training is typically received on-the-job, supplemented by short courses covering practical skills and details of the product or service being sold. NVQs/SVQs in sales are available at Levels 2 and 3.
  • Assesses characteristics of goods/services being sold and decides on main selling points
  • Advises clients and agents on insurance related problems, seeks new outlets for business and quotes premiums, bonus rates, tax concessions, etc.
  • Obtains orders for advertising, financial, catering, printing and transportation services
  • Organises parties in private households to sell clothing, fashion accessories, giftware and other goods
  • Provides demonstrations of a product within retail stores, exhibitions and trade fairs to promote interest amongst potential customers
  • Negotiates agreements for the passage of supply lines over or under land/property and the siting of supporting structures and other items
Employment by region
Top 10 industries for this job
Real estate 14101
Employment activities 9076
Rental & leasing 3667
Construction 2091
Land transport, etc 1245
Auxiliary  services 1236
Other professional 1068
Employment status

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