Kitchen Assistant

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Raechel B

0.00.00 Hi, I’m Raechel. I’m a Kitchen Assistant and I work at Caythorpe Court for PGL. If you’re on early shifts you start at half seven and they put the cereal out, the milk, and you always arrive 15 minutes before the guests do. You serve, serve the guests when they come through, tidy up, put the food away, get ready for lunch, then you serve them again, put the food away, get ready for dinner, serve them and then it’s time to go home once everything’s being done.

0.00.30 Well I didn’t know what I wanted to do really. I was a bit of a lost child. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my path so I kind of rebelled and a bit of a bad person at school. I left school without no GCSC’s, got no, anything above a D. Went onto sixth form, didn’t like that, so I left and I’ve no qualifications again. I then was working for two years, went back to college when I was 18 cos I decided I might want to progress my career

0.01.00 into the Army and I done public services and I left again cos I didn’t like it. And yeah, I’ve been working ever since. My first job was working for a retail, TK Max. I stayed there for two years and then moved into another retail job and then another retail job cos I wasn’t really progressing or anything. And then yeah, then I found PGL. I went away with PGL when I was 11, a water sports trip down in South of France and it’s always been in the back of my head

0.01.30 and I went onto a website, typed in work abroad and it come up PGL straightaway, clicked and I was like oh I remember them, I went away with them, they were amazing, applied and they asked me about catering. I said oh normally I help out like for family parties and I got offered the job as a Kitchen Assistant in South of France. My mum and is a housekeeper and my dad’s a chef in the Army, so it kind of like rubbing off.

0.02.00 I’m doing a bit of both. I’m cleaning and I’m training to be a chef at the same time. So yeah, I think it’s kind of rubbed off on me. It was my mum’s decision for me to actually go away with PGL cos I got the contract through and I was, I’m in an area that I say I don’t know because I’ve never lived away from my parents before. She’s like do it because you’re only young once, go out, see the world, do it while you’re young, before you know it you’re going to be settled and married and you’re going to be doing what if. So it was all down to her. I said okay,

0.02.30 I’ll go, went out, had the amazing time. I think it’s because when I, in my town there’s not really any career aspects and I just didn’t want to be stuck in a rut like everyone else in my hometown. I wanted to go out and experience and travel and I managed to travel and get paid for it, which is the best thing about it. I think my boss at the moment, Mandy, she’s helped me out so much since I’ve been here.

0.03.00 She’s the one really looking after us, helping us, if we’re doing something wrong she just pulls us aside, has a little word with us and then you’re like okay, yeah, yeah, we’ll do it that way and then you actually feel, I’ve grown so much because of her. When I first arrived here I was the little quiet one with like in the shell, now I’ve come out of my shell, being the best I can because of her. I like to lie in as much as I can cos we don’t really get a lot of sleep here. But when we can we go into Grantham or Lincoln, our nearest towns,

0.03.30 or go down to the village, see the people in the village, chat to them, how they think we’re doing this year and just get out, meet people. I’d love to be Gordon Ramsay to be honest. A female version of Gordon, just not as angry. Just prepare as much food, well good food as he does and hopefully I’ll get that with PGL.


Raechel didn’t want to get stuck in a rut like people around her so she decided to work abroad. She found PGL online, applied and was offered a job as a kitchen assistant in the south of France. She now works at one of their sites in the UK In the future she wants to be like Gordon Ramsay, but less angry.

More information about Chefs

average salary

The UK average salary is £29,813

average weekly hours

There are 37.5 hours in the average working week

73%  male 
27%  female 

The UK workforce is 47% female and 53% male

Future employment

Future employment?

? Chefs plan menus and prepare, or oversee the preparation of food in hotels, restaurants, clubs, private households and other establishments.
There are no formal academic requirements. Training is provided Off and on-the-job. NVQs/ SVQs, BTEC Certificates and Diplomas and foundation degrees are available. Apprenticeships are also available. Courses are also run by private cookery schools.
  • Requisitions or purchases and examines foodstuffs from suppliers to ensure quality
  • Plans menus, prepares, seasons and cooks foodstuffs or oversees their preparation and monitors the quality of finished dishes
  • Supervises, organises and instructs kitchen staff and manages the whole kitchen or an area of the kitchen
  • Ensures relevant hygiene and health and safety standards are maintained within the kitchen
  • Plans and co-ordinates kitchen work such as fetching, clearing and cleaning of equipment and utensils
Employment by region
Top 10 industries for this job
Food & beverage services 127251
Accommodation 43957
Real estate 5252
Education 4156
Food products 3752
Health 3177
Other personal service 2746
Social work 2598
Libraries, etc 2272
Employment activities 2110
Employment status

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