Explore: Food production

Business Development Executive

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00:00:08:00 – 00:00:09:20
My name is Tamzin and I’m a

00:00:09:20 – 00:00:14:01
business development executive at Lucozade Ribena Suntory.

00:00:14:01 – 00:00:16:11
And I look after the northwest London area.

00:00:16:11 – 00:00:21:05
My role involves managing relationships in wholesale

00:00:21:05 – 00:00:24:11
accounts, convenience accounts and food service accounts.

00:00:24:11 – 00:00:29:14
So that could be anything from universities, colleges, cafes

00:00:29:14 – 00:00:31:17
and then obviously the wholesale side to it as well.

00:00:33:04 – 00:00:36:10
What I have to do is sort of by managing relationships, I sort of

00:00:36:20 – 00:00:40:13
make sure that we’ve got enough range in the actual store

00:00:40:21 – 00:00:44:09
and have enough space and fixture.

00:00:44:09 – 00:00:46:06
I really enjoy like speaking to people

00:00:46:06 – 00:00:48:06
so it’s nice that I can get out.

00:00:48:06 – 00:00:51:11
It’s not an office job, so I’m always out and about

00:00:51:19 – 00:00:54:22
traveling around London, going to see different customers, which is nice.

00:00:55:16 – 00:00:56:22
So every day is kind of different.

00:00:58:07 – 00:01:00:24
At GCSE, I did business,

00:01:01:20 – 00:01:04:00
obviously your standard ones,

00:01:04:00 – 00:01:07:00
health and social care and geography.

00:01:07:00 – 00:01:09:10
But for what I did for my A-levels was

00:01:10:18 – 00:01:12:24
health and social care, but it counted as three A-levels

00:01:13:12 – 00:01:15:16
so I did that as just one subject.

00:01:16:01 – 00:01:18:05
So I didn’t think business would be that useful

00:01:19:00 – 00:01:22:21
but actually now in my job I feel like I use a lot of that from

00:01:22:24 – 00:01:26:02
what I learned at school into my apprenticeship.

00:01:26:03 – 00:01:29:11
A lot of my friends were going to uni and I wasn’t really that keen

00:01:29:15 – 00:01:32:16
– I didn’t really have a specific subject I wanted to take.

00:01:32:23 – 00:01:36:03
So I sort of went
down the apprenticeship route.

00:01:37:20 – 00:01:41:06
I applied on a website called Rate my Apprenticeship

00:01:42:07 – 00:01:44:18
and it was branded as like Suntory

00:01:44:23 – 00:01:48:16
and I didn’t know that Lucozade was part of Suntory.

00:01:48:24 – 00:01:51:21
So that was quite interesting when I actually read the job description.

00:01:52:12 – 00:01:55:06
And then I thought that sounded really interesting.

00:01:55:06 – 00:01:59:21
So I applied to that and the interview process was

00:01:59:21 – 00:02:03:17
give a presentation and it sort of like met with the business culture

00:02:03:17 – 00:02:06:16
and that’s how I
got the job.

00:02:06:22 – 00:02:08:11
I had a Saturday job at school.

00:02:08:11 – 00:02:11:09
I worked in a soft play

00:02:11:11 – 00:02:15:22
so I was responsible for just checking the kids in

00:02:15:22 – 00:02:18:16
and then on the cafe as well, and then cleaning it.

00:02:19:15 – 00:02:20:12
And then I

00:02:20:12 – 00:02:24:05
worked as well at a cinema, Everyman cinema.

00:02:24:05 – 00:02:27:00
So I was doing just the waitressing job there.

00:02:27:00 – 00:02:30:20
So I feel like that’s where I got my customer skills.

00:02:31:14 – 00:02:34:08
I didn’t really know what I wanted to do

00:02:34:08 – 00:02:37:15
when I was at school, I was asking my parents, ‘I don’t know what to do,’ but

00:02:38:16 – 00:02:42:10
I think now I’m in the company you see so many job roles

00:02:42:10 – 00:02:45:24
that you don’t even know of or heard of – I hadn’t even heard of my job.

00:02:45:24 – 00:02:48:04
I didn’t even know it would be a thing.

00:02:48:04 – 00:02:50:20
And now I see loads of other people from different companies

00:02:50:20 – 00:02:51:20
doing the same role as me

00:02:51:20 – 00:02:53:24
so it’s really nice to see actually.

00:02:55:11 – 00:02:58:01
I would say to just work hard.

00:02:58:01 – 00:03:00:06
I think even if you

00:03:00:06 – 00:03:03:08
don’t find yourself passing all your exams and stuff at school,

00:03:03:08 – 00:03:03:20
I think

00:03:04:21 – 00:03:05:17
it doesn’t matter.

00:03:05:17 – 00:03:08:04
I think as long as you’ve got

00:03:08:04 – 00:03:11:14
ambition to try and improve yourself, I think that’s the main thing.

00:00:08:00 – 00:00:09:20
My name is Tamzin and I’m a

00:00:09:20 – 00:00:14:01
business development executive at Lucozade Ribena Suntory.

00:00:14:01 – 00:00:16:11
And I look after the northwest London area.

00:00:16:11 – 00:00:21:05
My role involves managing relationships in wholesale

00:00:21:05 – 00:00:24:11
accounts, convenience accounts and food service accounts.

00:00:24:11 – 00:00:29:14
So that could be anything from universities, colleges, cafes

00:00:29:14 – 00:00:31:17
and then obviously the wholesale side to it as well.

00:00:33:04 – 00:00:36:10
What I have to do is sort of by managing relationships, I sort of

00:00:36:20 – 00:00:40:13
make sure that we’ve got enough range in the actual store

00:00:40:21 – 00:00:44:09
and have enough space and fixture.

00:00:44:09 – 00:00:46:06
I really enjoy like speaking to people

00:00:46:06 – 00:00:48:06
so it’s nice that I can get out.

00:00:48:06 – 00:00:51:11
It’s not an office job, so I’m always out and about

00:00:51:19 – 00:00:54:22
traveling around London, going to see different customers, which is nice.

00:00:55:16 – 00:00:56:22
So every day is kind of different.

00:00:58:07 – 00:01:00:24
At GCSE, I did business,

00:01:01:20 – 00:01:04:00
obviously your standard ones,

00:01:04:00 – 00:01:07:00
health and social care and geography.

00:01:07:00 – 00:01:09:10
But for what I did for my A-levels was

00:01:10:18 – 00:01:12:24
health and social care, but it counted as three A-levels

00:01:13:12 – 00:01:15:16
so I did that as just one subject.

00:01:16:01 – 00:01:18:05
So I didn’t think business would be that useful

00:01:19:00 – 00:01:22:21
but actually now in my job I feel like I use a lot of that from

00:01:22:24 – 00:01:26:02
what I learned at school into my apprenticeship.

00:01:26:03 – 00:01:29:11
A lot of my friends were going to uni and I wasn’t really that keen

00:01:29:15 – 00:01:32:16
– I didn’t really have a specific subject I wanted to take.

00:01:32:23 – 00:01:36:03
So I sort of went
down the apprenticeship route.

00:01:37:20 – 00:01:41:06
I applied on a website called Rate my Apprenticeship

00:01:42:07 – 00:01:44:18
and it was branded as like Suntory

00:01:44:23 – 00:01:48:16
and I didn’t know that Lucozade was part of Suntory.

00:01:48:24 – 00:01:51:21
So that was quite interesting when I actually read the job description.

00:01:52:12 – 00:01:55:06
And then I thought that sounded really interesting.

00:01:55:06 – 00:01:59:21
So I applied to that and the interview process was

00:01:59:21 – 00:02:03:17
give a presentation and it sort of like met with the business culture

00:02:03:17 – 00:02:06:16
and that’s how I
got the job.

00:02:06:22 – 00:02:08:11
I had a Saturday job at school.

00:02:08:11 – 00:02:11:09
I worked in a soft play

00:02:11:11 – 00:02:15:22
so I was responsible for just checking the kids in

00:02:15:22 – 00:02:18:16
and then on the cafe as well, and then cleaning it.

00:02:19:15 – 00:02:20:12
And then I

00:02:20:12 – 00:02:24:05
worked as well at a cinema, Everyman cinema.

00:02:24:05 – 00:02:27:00
So I was doing just the waitressing job there.

00:02:27:00 – 00:02:30:20
So I feel like that’s where I got my customer skills.

00:02:31:14 – 00:02:34:08
I didn’t really know what I wanted to do

00:02:34:08 – 00:02:37:15
when I was at school, I was asking my parents, ‘I don’t know what to do,’ but

00:02:38:16 – 00:02:42:10
I think now I’m in the company you see so many job roles

00:02:42:10 – 00:02:45:24
that you don’t even know of or heard of – I hadn’t even heard of my job.

00:02:45:24 – 00:02:48:04
I didn’t even know it would be a thing.

00:02:48:04 – 00:02:50:20
And now I see loads of other people from different companies

00:02:50:20 – 00:02:51:20
doing the same role as me

00:02:51:20 – 00:02:53:24
so it’s really nice to see actually.

00:02:55:11 – 00:02:58:01
I would say to just work hard.

00:02:58:01 – 00:03:00:06
I think even if you

00:03:00:06 – 00:03:03:08
don’t find yourself passing all your exams and stuff at school,

00:03:03:08 – 00:03:03:20
I think

00:03:04:21 – 00:03:05:17
it doesn’t matter.

00:03:05:17 – 00:03:08:04
I think as long as you’ve got

00:03:08:04 – 00:03:11:14
ambition to try and improve yourself, I think that’s the main thing.


“I hadn’t even heard of my job – I didn’t even know it would be a thing. And now I see loads of other people from different companies doing the same role as me.”

Unsure what to do when she finished school, Tamzin decided to look for an apprenticeship and found her current role.

More information about Importers and exporters

average salary

The UK average salary is ÂŁ29,813

average weekly hours

There are 37.5 hours in the average working week

64%  male 
36%  female 

The UK workforce is 47% female and 53% male

Future employment

Future employment?

? Importers and exporters buy commodities from overseas for the home market and sell home-produced commodities to overseas markets.
Entry does not depend on academic qualifications although some employers require candidates to have a degree or equivalent qualification. Some posts require candidates to have knowledge of a foreign language. Professional qualifications are available. Entrance to professional examinations requires GCSEs/S grades and A levels/H grades or equivalent qualifications.
  • Investigates and evaluates home and overseas demand for commodities
  • Obtains orders from buyers and arranges payment by bill of exchange, letter of credit or other means
  • Arranges for shipment of commodities overseas and ensures that insurance and export licences are in order
  • Carries out customs clearance procedures for imports, arranges their storage and delivery and sells them personally or through a commodity broker
  • Advises home and overseas producers on the likely future demand for their goods
Employment by region
Top 10 industries for this job
Wholesale trade 2510
Sale of motor vehicles 1763
Employment status

From personal careers advice to finding work, see our round-up of
useful websites to help you on your way

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