Explore: Healthcare

Addenbrookes Hospital

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Megan F

00:00:01 Basically I work with patients who’ve suffered some kind of injury to their neurological system, so whether that’s from their head or from their spine, and I work to help get them back to a level of functioning that’s as good as we can hope for with the injury that they’ve sustained. Getting people able to use their arms again, to help wash themselves, dress themselves, eat, drink, all those activities that we take for granted every day.

00:00:29 When I was about fourteen, fifteen, I knew I wanted to do physio, and I did some work experience in South Africa in a hospital there. I just remember seeing the Physio that I was working with doing a treatment session with a patient who’d had a head injury, and just being completely awe-inspired by what she was doing, and just thinking yeah, that’s definitely what I want to do. It was just one patient, one day, shaped my whole career. I think I’ve always worked really hard, I was definitely very lucky that I knew what I wanted to do, but I was always very very driven, and worked hard, and never expected things to just happen for me. I think you really have to go after what you want. I mean luckily for me the things I did like, were the things that I really needed to get into a Physio degree. So all the Sciences I really enjoyed. Psychology I did as well, which I really enjoyed.

00:01:23 Well as a Physio in the NHS, when you first qualify you work in a variety of different areas, and you move round every few months so that you get quite a wide experience of the different areas that there are. And some of the other areas of Physio I never felt as keen on myself, because I didn’t feel that I was making as big an impact as I feel I make with the – with this client group. It’s really interactive, so you’re working with people all the time. It’s really supportive, you learn on the job. It’s a really social career, very interactive, and hugely rewarding. I wouldn’t – I wouldn’t choose to do anything else. I love – love working with these patients.

00:02:06 I think I just always really wanted to work with people who – these people who’ve had their whole lives turned upside down by a – either an accident of some description or a serious illness. Seeing how much of a difference you make to their ability to move it’s – it’s just an amazing feeling. The other day I had a patient who’d been in hospital since October last year, who hadn’t walked at all, not even a single step, in all that time, and then he walked last week. And the emotion was just incredible. It makes your – makes your whole week when you have a situation like that and you make such a difference to their lives.

00:02:45 ENDS

Whilst on work experience in Africa, aged 15, Megan saw a physiotherapist treat a patient who’d had a head injury; it was a turning point in her life. Now, as a physiotherapist herself at Addenbroookes hospital, Megan is making a real difference to peoples’ lives. “The other day I had a patient who’d been in hospital since October last year, who hadn’t walked at all, not even a single step, and then he walked last week. And the emotion was just incredible.”

More information about Physiotherapists

average salary

The UK average salary is £29,813

average weekly hours

There are 37.5 hours in the average working week

16%  male 
84%  female 

The UK workforce is 47% female and 53% male

Future employment

Future employment?

? Physiotherapists plan and apply massage, promote and encourage movement and exercise, use hydrotherapy, electro-therapy and other technological equipment in the treatment of a wide range of injuries, diseases and disabilities in order to assist rehabilitation by developing and restoring body systems.
Entry is most common with GCSEs/S grades and A levels/H grades followed by up to four years training on an approved degree scheme necessary for state registration as a physiotherapist. Some science and other graduates are eligible for accelerated two-year pre-registration MSc degree programmes in Physiotherapy or Rehabilitation Science. Candidates must pass a medical examination.
  • Examines medical reports and assesses patient to determine the condition of muscles, nerves or joints in need of treatment;
  • Writes up patients’ case notes and reports, maintains their records and manages caseload;
  • Plans and undertakes therapy to improve circulation, restore joint mobility, strengthen muscles and reduce pain;
  • Explains treatment to and instructs patient in posture and other exercises and adapts treatment as necessary;
  • Offers advice and education on how to avoid injury and promote patient’s future health and well-being;
  • Supervises physiotherapy assistants;
  • Monitors patient’s progress and liaises with others concerned with the treatment and rehabilitation of patient, and refers patients requiring other specific medical attention.
Employment by region
Top 10 industries for this job
Health 45447
Residential care 6374
Sport & recreation 3174
Public admin. & defence 2677
Social work 2595
Education 2070
Retail trade 1228
Real estate 1014
Employment status

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