Catering Team Leader
Intercontinental Hotels
Michaela S
0.00.00 My name is Michaela S and my job title is Catering Team Leader. We have two bars in this hotel. We have an Irish bar and we have the main hotel lobby bar. And I work mostly evenings, occasionally some day times but we are extremely busy here of an evening so I tend to do nights. And just float between the two really. I do a lot of serving myself and generally just we do a lot of food,
0.00.30 serve a lot of drinks, that’s basically my job role. My ex-Head Mistress actually said if there was a GCSC in Coronation Street or Eastenders I’d have an A+. I knew everything on all the soaps. Yeah, I didn’t do, I did go to a very, very privileged school. I went to a school in Cheshire that everybody that did leave went on to be lawyers and doctors but
0.01.00 little old me never did. I’ve come to work with my mum. But have done okay. To be honest when I was at school, you know, obviously have those career days and I could never make my mind up what I wanted to do. I couldn’t, you know, I was like the rest of my life I’m going to do the same job. And I’ve had a few different jobs. I did try hairdressing. Couldn’t stick that though, loved it, loved the trade but I couldn’t make any money out of it because I used to do all my family, all my friends’ hair
0.01.30 and just never charged anyone money so I thought I can’t do this for the rest of my life, I’m never going to be able to buy a car or you know do anything. So I had to give that up and that’s how I ended up falling into working. I just went to a pub and then loved it. Loved, obviously you know you earn your wage and you earn a little bit of tips and a bit extra and that bit extra is like my luxury money and that’s what, you know, and it’s like here now, it’s great. I think in this day and age now working couples as well, you know,
0.02.00 gone is the generation where you’re a stay at home mum really unless you’ve got a very, very wealthy husband, you know, we’ve all got to go back to work and it’s fabulous for me because I spend all day with my little girl at home and then I come to work at night and it’s brilliant, she’s just going to bed. And I come to work for eight hours and then when I get home it’s time just to go to bed and then she’s up, so it’s brilliant with a toddler I find. A lot will say obviously no cos it’s just really, I’m ready for going to bed, you know,
0.02.30 if I was a stay at home mum but I come to work at night, but I enjoy it, I can handle it. Well when I had my child we were thinking of me coming here on permanent days but then I thought she’s going to be in a nursery all day and I’m going to get home at night and she’s exhausted and I won’t see her so I just find for me this suits me fantastic. Well again I reflect my childhood and I would have, always had a mum that took me to school, picked me up from school, was there to give me my tea, was there to get me ready for bed and then obviously my dad would just kick in for
0.03.00 like an hour or so cos my mum then used to start work at seven o’clock. Our shifts now do start earlier, this starts at five. But again it’s lovely cos you have that balance then that they have the quality time with the other parent, you know, she’ll have me all day. She actually waves me off like some, I speak to some mums and they go oh my little girl begs me not to go to work. Mine actually is at the door going bye mummy and blowing kisses and it’s lovely, cos she’s had me all day. So she loves it then that I go out to work.
0.03.30 I would like to be a ski instructor. Although I’m getting a bit old, yeah. That’s my hobby. That’s my absolute outside of work. I go on as many skiing holidays a year as I can. I’m just teaching my daughter now to ski. A couple of my friends, they all have a midlife crises and they, oh I’m going to Canada when… going on these ski instructors course if I had the time and I could I would love to do that, that would be my ambition.
Michaela S is the Catering Team Leader for two bars in an Intercontinental Hotel. Most of her work is in the evenings, when they’re busy serving food and drink. “It’s fabulous for me because I spend all day with my little girl at home and then I come to work at night and it’s brilliant, she’s just going to bed.”
More information about Publicans and managers of licensed premises
The UK average salary is £29,813
There are 37.5 hours in the average working week
The UK workforce is 47% female and 53% male
Future employment
- Arranges purchase of alcoholic and other beverages, bar snacks, cigarettes and other items and ensures that stocks are stored in proper conditions
- Supervises bar, kitchen and cleaning staff and, if necessary, assists with the serving of drinks
- Observes licensing laws and other statutory regulations and regulates behaviour of customers as necessary
- Maintains financial records for the establishment determines financial, staffing, material and other short- and long-term needs