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IT Support Manager
CEVA Logistics

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Richard H

My name is Richard H. I work as an IT field support analyst for CEVA Logistics. All of our depots have to be connected to each other so orders can come through from customers and deliveries can be planned. Any problem of any connectivity is going to stop people working. I offer basic IT support, or general maintenance to equipment, and that’s basically most of my job from day to day.

00:00: 35 I was probably a bit of a geek at school, really. I probably didn’t have enough fun, really. I was a bit too serious, but through university I loosened up a bit and started to enjoy myself a bit more and realise what life is actually about. I did a degree in electrical engineering, which I was interested in when I started. By the time I’d finished it, it wasn’t quite so interesting, but I didn’t really know what I wanted to do.

00:01:04 I had an interest in IT, which I’d sort of picked up through uni, but I got into logistics after uni because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, and it was basically a temporary job actually working in the warehouse. Not bad money, but pretty hard hours. Then I got more into the office side of thing, being what they call a POD clerk, who basically goes through the drivers’ paperwork.

00:01:35 And then I ended up on the traffic desk, responsible for ringing up delivery locations and getting our drivers in there. After about a year of that I got a little bit bored of it because every day was the same, so then I got the chance to move into IT because the guy who used to cover the depot I worked at had seen that I was interested, and he had an opportunity to work… for me to go and work with him for a while. So I went for that and I’ve been here since – just over a year now

00:02:13 Through the series of jobs I’ve had, I’ve realised that the jobs I enjoy the most, or get the most back from, are ones where I’m helping people. Jobs where I haven’t really been helping people, I haven’t really got any satisfaction out of them. What really makes me get going is knowing that I can sort out people’s problems.

00:02:40 At the moment, outside of work, really, it’s more work, to be honest. There’s one area of my life where it’s really I need to work on. If I had the time and resources wasn’t an issue, I’d really love to get into some sort of motor sport, just because I love driving. It just looks so much fun. But, I don’t know, it might be the sort of thing you can do as an amateur kind of thing, possibly.

00:03:10 The qualities I admire in people are people who keep working hard no matter what happens. One person who really has inspired me, and I think has played a role in, sort of, my own development, is a friend of mine called Sally. When I first met her, I think she was working in a building society and supporting her two daughters, and she just decided she was… she had to get into something else. So she got herself on some courses for… as a mortgage advisor, and then started getting into property development, and she’s doing really well. And has now got something for the future, something she can leave her family, and that really struck a chord with me, I think. ENDS


Richard H is an IT Field Support Analyst for CEVA Logistics, making sure that the IT systems which connect the depots are working. “Through the series of jobs I’ve had, I’ve realised that the jobs I enjoy the most, or get the most back from, are ones where I’m helping people… What really makes me get going is knowing that I can sort out people’s problems.”

More information about IT specialist managers

average salary

The UK average salary is £29,813

average weekly hours

There are 37.5 hours in the average working week

71%  male 
29%  female 

The UK workforce is 47% female and 53% male

Future employment

Future employment?

? IT specialist managers plan, organise, manage and coordinate the provision of specialist IT services and functions in an organisation.
Entrants usually possess a degree or equivalent qualification, although entry with other academic qualifications and/or significant relevant experience is possible. There is a variety of vocational, professional and postgraduate qualifications available.
  • Plans, coordinates and manages the organisation’s IT provision or a specialist area of IT activity;
  • Liaises with users, senior staff and internal/external clients to clarify IT requirements and development needs;
  • Takes responsibility for managing the development of a specialist aspect of IT provision such as user support, network operations, service delivery or quality control;
  • Supervises the technical team and coordinates training;
  • Plans and monitors work and maintenance schedules to ensure agreed service levels are achieved;
  • Reports on IT activities to senior management.
Employment by region
Top 10 industries for this job
Computer programming, etc 33170
Legal & accounting 28709
Retail trade 15772
Head offices, etc 14668
Information services 12101
Employment activities 7485
Financial services 7186
Telecommunications 6988
Specialised construction 5983
Public admin. & defence 5708
Employment status

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