The NHS has many different apprenticeship roles where you can learn new skills at work. Ally Middleton helps train NHS apprentices and explains what her job involves.
Name: Ally Middleton
Job: Clinical project manager, Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust.
I am responsible for a small team of tutors and support staff. We teach clinical skills and help students taking on healthcare apprenticeships and nursing associate apprenticeships with work-based learning, linking knowledge and theory to practical work.
We normally start the day with a quick update on what we are up to and our plans and visits for the day. Each day and week is really varied, so I could be attending meetings at the local university, planning clinical training and placements or teaching clinical skills.
Sometimes I attend meetings across NHS organisations and often there is quite a lot of travelling.
Supporting NHS apprenticeship managers and healthcare apprentices
Best bits: The most rewarding part of my job is when I spend time on the wards with our apprentices and see how they are progressing.
I love engaging with learners of any kind – the best part is knowing that you have made a connection with a member of staff and that as a result patient experience will improve!
I also love when I can share my passion for education and learning with others.
Worst bits: My least favourite bit is doing all the administration! There is lots of filing, sorting out and organisation which takes me away from spending time with learners in the workplace.
Career path: I completed my nursing degree in 2007, then spent a number of years working as a nurse in various hospital settings (trauma, emergency care and medical assessment).
I ended up doing a training job alongside clinical work for a couple of years and had the opportunity to do my diploma in teaching at a local college whilst in the workplace.
In 2015, I started working at a university and had the opportunity to undertake post-graduate education. After a couple of years, I applied for a job back in the NHS as clinical project manager which I have been doing for 18 months. I have just finished my Masters in Education, which I have completed part-time whilst working full-time.
Top tips: I didn’t plan to end up doing this job but I wouldn’t want anything else now.
I have always done roles I am passionate about, and as long as you enjoy what you do, and give it 100 percent you will find that opportunities are always around and presenting themselves.
Never let anyone tell you that you aren’t the right fit for a job – write a good CV and personal statement and always be honest!
Interests outside of work: I love going to music gigs – everything from punk and rock to folk and classical music. I also sing in a choir so a lot of weekends are taken up with gigs and rehearsals. In my free time, I enjoy going to the gym or taking my dog for long walks. I also try to get to watch a few rugby games every season.
Future career plans: I am quite happy at the minute, but I know that project management can be time-limited. I would like to manage an education department for an organisation, as I am passionate about leadership and education!
Find out more
If you’d like to find out more about nursing associate apprenticeships, apprenticeships in healthcare and other NHS jobs, take a look at the NHS Health Careers website.
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