Business Development Manager
Disability Alliance

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Alan C

0.00.05 Good morning, my name’s Alan C. I’m a Business Development Manager for Birmingham Disability Resource Centre. Being a business development manager in a social enterprise is around creating sustainability, looking for contracts, to bring in core funding so we don’t have to be looking for grant funding all the time. We have to be flexible because everybody has to do a little bit of everything but normally, my role is to get out into the community, meet business leaders, work with Business Link, work with all the agencies to create opportunities for Birmingham Disability Resource Centre.

00.00.42 School was quite difficult for me because I wasn’t very academic even though, I’m going back quite a while now. So I passed the 11-Plus as it was then, didn’t really want to go to grammar school. They finally convinced me that it would be good and that they had a reasonable football team because that was all I was interested in at the time. And I was not quite sure what I wanted to do but like most people, at that time you generally followed what your family were involved in and all my family had been involved in and were currently involved in, the car manufacturing industry.

00.01.26 Even though I thought that that may be not the route that I really wanted to do, I went down the route of being an engineer basically and did my four years apprenticeship. And after 12 years in the car industry, felt that I wasn’t contributing, it wasn’t what I wanted to do. So finally, having gone the whole route, I actually got a job in a further education college, still as an engineer, still repairing machinery but actually in an environment that I felt more comfortable in.

00.01.59 Now, from that day, from walking into that college until today, I’ve actually trained to be a teacher in many different things. I did a fine arts degree at Open University, I did a social sciences degree through the Open University, I’ve got a degree in special needs education, I did four years training to bricklayer because I wanted to teach building sciences. I have not missed a year at college since I left school and yet I was not that taken with the school system. But since I left school I’ve actually been to college every single year doing something different.

00.02.42 It’s living life I think, I think living life is the term. We’ve got a caravan in Bromyard. We do a lot of walking which is in Hereford. We do a lot of small plays. We like to go around to small theatres and people go, ‘Er, theatre, er, boring’, but some of it is so funny and so good, that it’s worth the effort to get into the smaller theatres and enjoy what amateurs are trying to do. We just live life I think.

00.03.14 I wish I had started earlier on the journey where I am now. I wish I had have the convictions that I have now because when I was in the factory I was always led by other people whereas now I’m led by myself and my immediate family. We discuss everything. I’m of an age where people didn’t discuss things as a family. You were either expected to do this or do that and that was it, whereas now things are a lot more open. So I try to give my children the advice without steering their life. As we’re talking about life’s a journey and you go on the journey on your own and just take advice and do what you want.

Alan C is a business development manager for Birmingham Disability Resource Centre. He left school to go into the car industry but since then he has attained many qualifications including a fine arts degree from the Open University, a degree in special needs and a bricklaying certificate.

More information about Business and financial project management professionals

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The UK average salary is £29,813

average weekly hours

There are 37.5 hours in the average working week

55%  male 
45%  female 

The UK workforce is 47% female and 53% male

Future employment

Future employment?

? Job holders in this unit group manage and oversee major projects across all sectors of modern industry, commerce and the public sector, in areas such as e-commerce, business analysis, finance, product development, marketing, human resources.
Entry may be via a degree or postgraduate qualification in project management or a subject relevant to the particular sector or via significant relevant work experience in that sector.
  • Finds out what the client or company wants to achieve;
  • Agrees timescales, costs and resources needed;
  • Draws up a detailed plan for how to achieve each stage of the project;
  • Selects and leads a project team;
  • Negotiates with contractors and suppliers for materials and services;
  • Ensures that each stage of the project is progressing on time, on budget and to the right quality standards;
  • Reports regularly on progress to the client or to senior managers.
Employment by region
Top 10 industries for this job
Head offices, etc 32157
Computer programming, etc 19691
Financial services 18209
Health 16129
Auxiliary  services 11987
Retail trade 11293
Architectural & related 10503
Sport & recreation 9676
Wholesale trade 8196
Public admin. & defence 7893
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