Explore: Education

International Student Recruitment Officer
Cambridge Regional College

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Patricia C

00.01 My name is Patricia C, I’m the international student recruitment officer at Cambridge Regional College. It involves recruiting international students to the college. A lot of the students that come here do English or some of the other academic courses. We have a lot of agents throughout the world who will recruit students and then email us with their details. So I process their documentation and then welcome the students when they arrive.

00.30 When I was at school, I took my GCSEs and did the range of subjects, languages and sciences, so I had no clear view as to what I wanted to do. I then decided to take English literature and biology and chemistry. Again, with no real idea what I wanted to do. But it was when I went to university, I changed complete direction as to the subjects I took and went into business studies. I found this business studies course where I would do marketing and personnel and economics and things like that, and then it twigged with me that I actually that would probably have, you know, would suit me. And I think that was influenced probably by the fact my parents have business and have always been in business.

01.18 I think throughout my life I think the main inspiration has been my parents, definitely. They came here from India when they were in their 20s. And went to Northern Ireland, which there were very few Indians there at the time and have had to work their way up with virtually nothing and then ended up in business. And I think, definitely, seeing the work ethic and the motivation that they had inspired me.

01.49 I just came to Cambridge Regional College because I had had my own business and I was travelling right throughout the whole country and I decided to start a family. And after I had my first child, that was not a problem. I was still able to continue. But when I had my son he was very, very ill when he was born and I think that was partly due to the stress of the job that I had and he was in intensive care for two weeks.

02.24 And I think that was quite a revelation for me, that I really, I thought I need to really change my life. If I wanted to have children, I really needed to think about the future. So I gave that up and spent, decided to spend more time with the children. But that didn’t last long because I only did that about two years and realised, actually, that’s not what I wanted to do. I wanted to work and look after the children. And I saw a job for a term time person at the Cambridge Regional College and doing European social funding which is something I had some knowledge of, and that’s how I ended up being here.

03.05 I’ve always worked very, very hard in whatever positions I’ve been in and whatever organisations I’ve worked for and, you know, I have that work ethic and conscientious, so I don’t look at the bad sides of something. I just think, you know, this is what it is, work hard and, you know, ultimately I’ll be able to get onto the next rung or achieve whatever I want to achieve. So I don’t look at it as an obstacle. I just feel that, you know, it’s best to work and you will get there in the end.

03.38 Throughout your life different things motivate you at different times. When I was in my 20s and 30s, being at work, you wanted to have a career and that would motivate me, that was the ambition to do well. But now at this stage in my life, my motivation is to see my children do well.

Patricia C is International Student Recruitment Officer at Cambridge Regional College. She had a business that involved travelling round the country until her second child was born. He was very ill, so she decided it was time to do something less stressful. Now she’s ambitious for her children rather than herself.

More information about Senior professionals of educational establishments

average salary

The UK average salary is £29,813

average weekly hours

There are 37.5 hours in the average working week

31%  male 
69%  female 

The UK workforce is 47% female and 53% male

Future employment

Future employment?

? Job holders in this unit group plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the administration, support systems and activities that facilitate the effective running of a university, college or other educational establishment.
Entrants usually possess a degree or equivalent qualification and have gained significant relevant experience in the field of education. Specialist training courses and professional qualifications are available.
  • Considers staffing, financial, material and other short- and long-term needs;
  • Arranges for evaluation of management, accounting, information storage and retrieval and other facilities;
  • Provides administrative support to the academic team;
  • Leads or contributes to decision making processes regarding curricula, budgetary, disciplinary and other matters;
  • Controls administrative aspects of student admission, registration and graduation;
  • Acts as secretary to statutory and other bodies/committees associated with the educational establishment;
  • Drafts and interprets regulations and deals with queries and complaints procedures;
  • Organises examinations, necessary invigilations and any security procedures required;
  • Arranges for the preparation and publication of syllabuses and other official documents;
  • Assists with recruitment, public relations and marketing activities;
  • Coordinates and maintains quality assurance procedures.
Employment by region
Top 10 industries for this job
Education 95906
Public admin. & defence 5662
Employment activities 3277
Libraries, etc 2194
Health 2000
Food & beverage services 1946
Membership organisations 1686
Social work 1318
Residential care 1227
Services to buildings 1108
Employment status

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