Feeling stressed? If the pressure's mounting with exams, work or just life in general, check out these simple ways to keep your cool.
1. Take a step back
If you’re struggling with something, put it to one side and give it some space. Your brain will often continue to process your issue quietly in the background, much like a computer programme. The solution may just pop into your head when you’re doing something else or become clear if you come back to it later. And if something has made you angry, waiting until your calm often makes it much easier – and more effective – to deal with.
2. Unplug and find your inner calm
Make time to check in with yourself. Have a bath or close your eyes for ten minutes and take some deep breaths. Sometimes it helps to find a calming place you can visit, like your local park. Try a weekly digital detox – even an hour or so offline can make you feel better. Lose yourself in a book or explore mindfulness apps such as Headspace to help you relax.
3. Connect
Lots of studies show that the quality of our relationships with other people – not just friends and family but other people we deal with – has a major impact on our own well-being. Why not send someone a thank you note or message? Or catch up with a friend you’ve not seen for ages?
4. Ditch the drains
Are there situations or things which you always find stressful? Is there anything you can change about them? You can’t always change a situation but you can usually change how you deal with it. What can you do differently? For example, try not to spend time with people that get you down, unfollow social media accounts which sap your energy and get rid of any apps that lower your mood.
5. Look after yourself
Don’t forget the obvious. Sleep well, eat well, and drink lots of water. Exercise is another way to boost your self-esteem – just find what works for you. If gyms or team sports aren’t your thing, clear away the cobwebs with a brisk walk or short jog.
6. Talk to someone
One of the best ways to deal with stress is to talk to someone. Speak to friends or family. Sometimes your teacher or manager can help. If you feel you can’t talk to someone you know there are lots of helplines which offer advice and support.