Explore: Food production

New Product Development Executive
Vestey Holdings

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00:00:06:01 - 00:00:07:02
I’m Suchada

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but people call me Bee.

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My job role is new product development,
and the company

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I work for is Vestey Foods UK.

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My job is very creative

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so it can be in the lab
or in the kitchen.

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We create a new product,
improve the existing product.

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Today, I might be in the office all day,

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do some kind of
like a technical specification or next day

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I will be in the kitchen all day - creation,
so it would be admin day,

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specification day,
technical day - boring boring

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- or it can be creative day.

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And then it can be practical day
that I'm in the kitchen cooking some food

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and make it to be realistic
from my imagination.

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One of the products was chicken -

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we call it monkey finger
because it's like a finger.

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So it's breaded chicken and we just
coat it with lots of different things.

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When you're going out,

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having a meal with your friends, so you know
this product that you created,

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so that's nice.

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The best thing about
my job is to be creative.

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Basically your creation and reality
have to meet in the middle.

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So I think that's that's quite challenging
and fun for me.

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The bad side is I'm eating too much!

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You've got to love food.

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I'm from Thailand.

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First thing we wake up is
we think, ‘What we're going to eat today?’

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So you got to passion and love and joy,

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testing, different kinds of food.

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In terms of a skill,
you need to know maths a little bit as well

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because when people are thinking about

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cooking food

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at home, people are thinking about -

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when you cook your own meal,
you do is called emotional seasoning.

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A bit of here,
a bit of that, a bit of salt, a bit of pepper.

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But in reality, at my job, you need to
calculate all the recipe and everything

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so maths is part of the job

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and you need to be a good at testing.

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Your tongue, needs to be good.

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You need to

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be able to separate what this taste is
about, where it is come from.

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I'm born and raised in Bangkok,

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but I came to the UK when I was 19.

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So I study in London for the first six
months then moved to a study in Scotland

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I study tourism management,
I graduate tourism management,

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but it's nothing to do
with the food industry.

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But because I came here when I was 19
and the craving of home-cooked food,

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it’s so powerful, the best place to do
is work in a Thai restaurant,

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work in the pub,
get free food, then carry on studying

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and working in the restaurant.
And then find out that I got a skill.

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I love work in the restaurant.

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I like to meet people.

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I love food. So then use the passion and that
and turn it to be a career.

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And then I had like a admin job
work from home

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but realised
that this is not what I like to do.

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My passion is always about food

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I found a job advertised at Vestey.

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When I read the job description and this
and you know when you see it

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and you can see yourself working there,
it's just like a flash of imagination.

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Yes, that's me. Yes, that's me.

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Yes, that's me.

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I can do that. That's me.
And this happened.

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So when I first joined Vestey,
I was in quality assurance.

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The job role was more like technical.

00:04:04:19 - 00:04:08:05
I start doing the ration packs
for the army.

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When I work for the ration department,

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I then moved to the new role,
new product development

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at the food service division, in Vestey

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Foods UK.

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The advice that I would give is,

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just find what you like as a person
and what you like to do

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and what is your passion
but also enjoy the life.

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Enjoy what you doing.
I think that's that's a key thing.

“Just find what you like as a person and what you like to do.” Suchada devises new items for restaurant menus. At 19, she came to the UK from Thailand and went on to get a degree in tourism management. Working part-time in a Thai restaurant ignited her passion for food which she decided to turn into a career. She joined Vestey Foods putting together ration packs for the army, before moving on to her current role.

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