See how to tackle exam papers and make a real difference to your marks with our tips for exam success.
Don't dive straight in
Minutes spent understanding instructions, choosing questions and planning your time, make a real difference to your marks.
Read the exam instructions carefully and note how many questions you need to answer. The format may have changed from previous years so don’t assume it will be the same as any past papers you’ve seen – make sure you are following the instructions on the paper in front of you.
If you have a choice of questions, tick the ones you intend to answer.
Be a good timekeeper
Jot down how long to spend on each section. Try and divide your time according to the mark scheme (so in a two-hour exam, if section one is worth 50 per cent, and section two and three are worth 25 per cent each, then try to spend an hour on section one, and 30 minutes on each remaining section).
Keep an eye on the clock and try and pace yourself.
Focus and ignore everyone else
Take deep breaths to help steady your nerves and focus on what you’re doing.
Try not to get distracted by other people’s annoying sniffling or let your mind wander – just because the person next to you is scribbling away it doesn’t mean they are answering questions correctly!
Answer the question
Sounds obvious, but it’s surprisingly easy to start writing without really answering the question on the exam paper. Remember to consider the exact wording of each question.
For essay questions, it can help to make a brief outline plan first, perhaps using bullet points to remind you of the areas you want to cover. This can also help you structure your argument.
Show what you know
Don’t waste time dwelling on a question you are struggling to answer. Instead, focus on answering (and getting marks for) something else – you can always come back to blank areas later.
You may want to start with the question you think will be easiest, as getting going can boost your confidence and help you settle into the exam.
Review your answers
Finally, try and allow some time towards the end of your exam to review what you’ve written and correct any mistakes.