Sales Membership Manager
David Lloyd Fitness

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David H

00:00:02 Hello, my name’s David H, I’m Sales Membership Manager at David Lloyd in Sidcup. My responsibilities are to ensure that the Health Club generates enough new members. My role as a Manager, I actually enjoy managing the small team of people which I find quite – quite rewarding. You know how to get the best out of each one of those 8 or 9 people ’cause you know ’em very very well. I’m quite lucky because I do wake up for work in the morning, I do get really excited about the day at work, and I know when I come home I’ve achieved, you know, the things I set out to achieve, and that can be quite a – I can be quite pleased with that.

00:00:37 School was good fun, probably didn’t take it seriously enough, but I think that’s the case with most people. My favourite subject at school was PE I think, I always enjoyed PE. That’s probably the thing I used to look forward to the most. That’s probably why – part of the reason why I’m in this industry now. I suppose the people I looked up to were the PE teachers, and then naturally I just felt that I probably wanted to be a PE Teacher at school. But looking back now I can’t think of anything – anything worse.

00:01:02 I left school, I went to do Leisure Management at college. Through that course we were encouraged to do lots of different coaching qualifications, because the expectation was that at the end of that course you would go into coaching – performance coaching, that kind of thing, at some level. So towards the back end of that course I did a personal training and fitness instructor course, which ultimately led to my first – first full time employment, which was in London as a fitness instructor.

00:01:31 I would say I was probably most proud about the fact that I took quite a big decision to leave employment for six months to go travelling. Which when you’re 27 years old is quite a big – I suppose quite a big decision. It was a six month organised trip that we started in Dubai, from Heathrow. Then we did all of South East Asia, and then flew to Australia. I think travelling gave me maybe a little bit of a different perspective on things, you know. I’d been with a company for a very long time up until that point, and I just felt that it was the right time for me have a little bit of a change of scenery, and just, and just maybe change myself to something a little bit different.

00:02:09 I play a good standard of badminton, but I also enjoy golf, I enjoy using the gym when I can at work, yeah they’re probably the key things I enjoy doing when I’m not working. I probably inject more time than I should into work, or so my girlfriend always says anyway. But um – no I enjoy what I do and I think so long as you enjoy what you do, then I don’t think there’s necessarily a problem.

00:02:31 I think, you know, if I was to give any advice to maybe someone of you know 14 to 19, I think the advice I probably would give would be you’ve got to ask for extra responsibility. If you want you know new roles, new opportunities I think that you – sometimes they don’t get handed to you on a plate, you have to go and say you know – look I’d like to pick that up, I’d like to do that – because they don’t always come to you, you have to go to – you have to find roles if that makes sense, or find opportunities.

00:02:57 I’m extremely motivated by being the best, you know, I can be. That sounds a little bit cheesy but, you know, for me if there’s a league table, you know, I want to be at the top of it, I want to be the Man United of David Lloyd Sales Teams, that kind of thing. So I wouldn’t say money motivates me, obviously it helps, but I think I’m much more motivated by the feeling of success and feeling quite pleased that I’ve done my job to the best of my ability and been successful throughout. When a day comes that I’m not, you know, motivated and I don’t want to get out of bed or I dread coming to work, then I think that’s when I’ll start looking, you know, on the internet for other opportunities and other industries.

00:03:33 I’d like to think in the future that I could move to run my own David Lloyd Club. I think that the – certainly the job I’m doing now is teaching me knowing the different skills that I’d need to be able to do that, and having worked with quite a few different Managers, obviously learning from those General Managers is again invaluable, so I would hope that in the not too distant future I would have the opportunity to maybe run my own David Lloyd Health Club.

00:03:59 ENDS


David enjoys his role in managing a team recruiting new members. He has been able to put his experience as a Fitness Instructor to practical use and would like to manage his own centre in the future. He is proud of the risk he took to go travelling mid-career.

More information about Sales accounts and business development managers

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The UK average salary is £29,813

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There are 37.5 hours in the average working week

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43%  female 

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? Sales accounts and business development managers plan, organise and undertake market research to meet the requirements of an organisation’s marketing and sales policies.
Entrants to the professional qualifications of the Chartered Institute of Marketing require GCSEs/S grades, A levels/H grades, a BTEC/SQA award, an Advanced GNVQ/GSVQ Level III, a degree or equivalent qualification and/or relevant experience. NVQs/SVQs in sales and qualifications from other relevant professional bodies are available.
  • Liaises with other senior staff to determine the range of goods or services to be sold, contributes to the development of sales strategies and setting of sales targets;
  • Discusses employer’s or client’s requirements, carries out surveys and analyses customers’ reactions to product, packaging, price, etc.;
  • Compiles and analyses sales figures, prepares proposals for marketing campaigns and promotional activities and undertakes market research;
  • Handles customer accounts;
  • Recruits and trains junior sales staff;
  • Produces reports and recommendations concerning marketing and sales strategies for senior management;
  • Keeps up to date with products and competitors.
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