Oil and Coal Analyst
Bogi H
00:00:04 My name is Bogi H and I work as a long term oil and coal analyst for E.ON UK which is a power company in the UK. My job entails trying to understand what the oil and coal market will do in the future and inform my managers on that and so it’s analysing the development of costs currently, in the shorter term, three- five years and then looking at how energy demand in general is going to develop in the world. So it’s very much a big picture job and it’s fantastically interesting.
00:00:48 I’m originally from the Faroe Islands. I’ve studied in Scotland for seven years, six years, sorry, and I’ve lived here in England for two and a half years. Well when I was seven years old, I was more interested in learning how to read and write and I suppose mental pursuits rather than playing football. Having my Dad repeatedly quiz me on the capitals of Europe, for example, was a pastime. I’ve always wanted to know things. I’d never been to Scotland before or the UK before I started university, no. It was, I knew of it from TV, from recommendations and one thing that did help was that there was a small group of Faroese people already living here so I got in touch with them to ease the transition, but you lose touch after a while because you do assimilate and you do become part of society.
00:01:47 When I went to university I picked economics as my main subject. We had to pick three main subjects in the beginning and this is in Scotland so in an honours system. And I picked economics because that’s where I came from. I worked in a bank for two years but I also did international relations and politics so maybe more away from the transaction and pure finance and going into political motivation, so why do people do what they do and why do they want what they want. And international relations is just taking that one step over and why do countries do what they do and so it’s, I suppose understanding the interactions.
00:02:28 I realised when I came out with my degree that it was too general and I couldn’t use it for as much as I thought. I did take a year out working as a business consultant in the Faroes for a year and then came back and did my Masters in finance and investment which was much more of a focused, how do hedge funds invest? What is the tax implication of investing and things like that. I got two job offers when I finished, well, before I finished and that was even through a very simple, I put my CV on monster.com and it worked. I got two phone calls. One from Schlumberger, which is an off shore company and based in Aberdeen and I thought I was going to become a management accountant and that was it. And then I got a phone call from E.ON with better terms and conditions and a warmer climate and off I went.
00:03:25 I think my biggest driver would be to be able to say to my parents that I’ve got my own house. I think that’s one big step. And also to make them proud of me, yeah, to show people where I came from that I did well.
00:03:45 If I could do anything, and this is one of my personal objectives, sad as it may sound, I would like to go into space. I would like to be the first Faroese person going into space. So, as soon as I make $25 million or however much is going at the moment, off I go. ENDS
Bogi analyses future trends in the oil and coal markets and works for E.ON in Coventry. He looks at how energy demand is going to develop in the world and finds his job ‘fantastically interesting’. Originally from the Faroe Islands, he studied in Scotland and initially worked in banking before moving into his present post. He lists one of his personal objectives as wanting to go into space.
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The UK average salary is £29,813
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Future employment
- Examines accounts of industrial, commercial and other establishments to determine their tax liability and adjusts claims where necessary
- Considers particular problems concerning all forms of personal and company taxation
- Stays abreast of all changes in tax law and precedent
- Discusses disputed cases with accountants and other specialists
- Represents Government, client or employer in contested claims before tax officials or an independent tribunal