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Sales Trainee
NVT Group

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Megan S

00:00:03 My name is Megan S and I’m a training Sales Assistant at NVT.

00:00:07 It involves organising training, like IT training for people in businesses that have a contact with us or just, just separately, just anyone.

00:00:17 Can be quite difficult yeah, because some, cos I’m quite new to the job, sometimes I don’t know exactly all the ins and outs of things people ask me the technical side, I don’t know, I’m not really IT. So, and the pricing as well, that it’s good, I get a lot of guidance and stuff.

00:00:33 It’s just the fact that I’ve got someone with me all the time that like my line manager who helps me and stuff like that, so I’m actually doing a job but I kind of get trained as we go along.

00:00:43 Pure luck, it was, it I was here for a summer placement and I was working out in reception and then I went and studied at Vet School and then it didn’t work out at all so, Stephen very kindly gave me my job back.

00:00:54 You had to study in Edinburgh and that was really quite far to travel every day, and back and also the cost, was an awful.

00:01:04 Cos mum and dad they were like, oh we’ll pay the fees, we’ll pay the travel and all that but, it just it was gonna end up I was too far away and at the end of it cos it takes two and a half years to be a vet nurse but then it takes another two and a half to study in equine which is like horses which was the final goal, so it was gonna be five years and then the wage at the end of it as well, as well as like getting a job and stuff it just, wasn’t gonna work out at all.

00:01:25 It was really quick as well, I just, I wasn’t happy there and I just thought well I need to get out now if I’m gonna so I just, sort it out really quick and came back. But I wouldn’t a, like I wouldn’t have known see I just came into IT straight from school, I would never have known what it, what vet would have been like, so then I would have thought, oh should I just done that kind of thing so.

00:01:46 We had like a guidance teacher who’d obviously help you and like, get you to maybe take the subjects you were good at, instead of just the ones you like, well intermediate you do, we did eight I think which in the best ones were kind of maths, English, French, biology and stuff and then for my highers I took English, maths, which I was really good at, physics and human biology.

00:02:11 So I didn’t like school at all. I wanted to leave when I was sixteen but I went back for fifth year, I didn’t really enjoy it, just didn’t like it, wanted to get out into the real world (laughs). Didn’t I, I didn’t like school at all.

00:02:23 I play the violin it was just an instrument to do, cos my brother did guitar, so I was, wanted to do an instrument just to be like my brother so I took up violin. But I started in primary four, through school and then I carried on up until second year, so. Seven years and then I stopped lessons but I still play it kind of now and again, weddings and stuff.

00:02:46 I, I don’t really I just do it like say for like family gatherings and stuff and mum’s says, go and play the violin, so I go and play violin.

00:02:52 I’ve got older brother as well but he’s very, very smart he went to uni, he’s got a degree now in maths, but he, but he doesn’t know what to do so he’s in his fourth year at Glasgow uni and doesn’t have a clue what to do with it.

00:03:05 So now I’m kind of thinking well if I’m in a job and he’s gonna be in a job what’s, what’s the point really, even though he was good at it and he enjoy, he enjoyed maths and stuff, so, he’s got the brains. That’s that.

00:03:16 I don’t really know what’s gonna happen, I, I’d quite like to stay in IT cos I, I do, I like it now and, it’s quite a good job I like being at NVT as well. But long term, I’d like to do, I’d like to go back to where I was, I’d like to go back into sort of animals like maybe even, sort of don’t know, riding school instructor don’t know, something to do with, if I could make money out of horse riding then I’d do it (laughs) but I won’t. I could be famous but no I wouldn’t.

00:03:47 END


Megan S is a trainee Sales Assistant at NVT. She’s just started here after dropping out of a veterinary nurse’s course. She’s worked there during a summer placement and they were happy to have her back.

More information about Sales administrators

average salary

The UK average salary is £29,813

average weekly hours

There are 37.5 hours in the average working week

22%  male 
78%  female 

The UK workforce is 47% female and 53% male

Future employment

Future employment?

? Sales administrators provide support to the process of selling equipment, materials and other products or services.
There are no minimum academic requirements, although entrants typically possess GCSEs/S grades or equivalent qualifications. Training is normally provided on-the-job. NVQs/SVQs in Administration are available at Levels 1 and 2.
  • Provides information to customers on products and prices;
  • Fields telephone enquiries from prospective customers on behalf of the sales team;
  • Prepares sales invoices and maintains records and accounts of sales activity;
  • Handles customer complaints or forwards them to relevant member of sales team;
  • Carries out general clerical duties.
Employment by region
Top 10 industries for this job
Retail trade 14801
Wholesale trade 9825
Sale of motor vehicles 6352
Advertising, etc 4319
Real estate 3781
Head offices, etc 3683
Specialised construction 2934
Rental & leasing 2458
Computer programming, etc 1734
Metal products 1528
Employment status

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